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We celebrated Halloween a week early in class tonight! We made witches brew while leash walking, practiced spooky sit stays, performed tricks for treats and even all managed to settle as a group for a while. Thank you for humoring me, everyone! This was the most I’ve ever been excited about anything Halloween. 🥰🐾
Oct 25
You never know when you’re going to need that ‘stay’!
When I first met Sammy’s people they were interested in correcting his leash walking as he is quite the puller and they reasonably wanted him to be able to participate in their upcoming wedding ceremony. Upon meeting him, we came to the conclusion that the behavior of pulling on the leash was a symptom of emotion - he was anxious out in the world and in a hurry to get home. His fabulous parents allowed me change our game plan, and instead we began focusing on helping Sam build his confidence in public, putting our leash walking goals aside and in the meantime giving him a longer leash to walk on. We also focused on a nice sit & stay so that he could be ready for photos. At the wedding he was also able to relax and watch the ceremony calmly and confidently, even with loud vehicles, new people, and lots of stimulation around. Instead of walking down the aisle on a loose leash, he got to perform a recall to his dad instead! So much more his style! All this to say… thank you Nick and Schyler for patiently meeting Samson where he is at, giving him choices and supporting him when he needs you. Thanks for trusting me with the task of getting him to and from your wedding, and for being flexible with your training goals. Congratulations!!! ❤️🐾
Oct 12